Tuesday August 3, 2021

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Green Phase of Recovery for Sport and Recreation

Soccer New Brunswick is confirming that effective midnight July 29, 2021, New Brunswick transitioned to the Green Phase of recovery, and the Mandatory Order was lifted. It does not represent “the end of the pandemic.” With the understanding that COVID-19 is not going to disappear any time soon, preventing the spread of this virus should still be on everyone’s agenda.

Maintaining a COVID-19 Operational Plan is no longer required by the province as the province will transition to a communicable disease prevention plan, however Soccer NB is encouraging all members to continue to follow Yellow phase of the Soccer New Brunswick Return To Play  as we await further direction from the the Sport and Recreation Branch in the coming weeks.

Public Health NB has developed a document to help guide organizations in the green phase of recovery: : Living with COVID-19: Protective Health Measures.

As outbreaks continue to occur and where potential for transmission amongst our youth may increase, the Sport and Recreation Branch encourages recreation and sport organizations to continue to take a responsible and cautious approach. Where applicable, measures identified in our previous directives as well as in the above document should continue to be recommended to participants and spectators.

Core protective health measures remain important tools to limit the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. This is particularly important for those who are vulnerable and not vaccinated, including our 12 & under youth who represent a major demographic of the sport and recreation sector.

Recreation and sport organizations should assess and understand the level of risk of communicable disease transmission in their respective activities and apply appropriate measures when there’s an elevated risk of communicable disease. Participants may have different levels of comfort in the Green phase of recovery. Some organizations may choose to retain certain measures such as mask use and limiting large gathering, which would be an appropriate approach. All are asked to foster an atmosphere where there is mutual respect and understanding and participants are supportive of each other’s personal protective habits and risk tolerances.

Soccer New Brunswick will update this notice as more information becomes available.