Futsal Cup
Futsal is an exciting, fast-paced small-sided football game that is widely played across the world and is officially recognized by FIFA. The nature of the game places a large emphasis on technical skill and ability in situations of high pressure and is subsequently an excellent breeding ground for football competencies that can be translated into the 11-a-side format of the game.
To view all tournament news, schedules, game results, and standings go to our competitions hub: Competitions.soccernb.org
Futal Cup News

Futsal Cup 2020
FUTSAL NB CUP – FEB 22-23, 2020 Venue: École Le Sommet (Prom 701 Ryan St.), Moncton, NB February 22-23, 2020 – Le 22-23 février 2020 Groups/ Groupes : U13 & U15 & U18 Boys & Girls S13, S15 et…

2019 Futsal Cup Schedule
SCHEDULE Venue: Moncton – école le Sommet (Ryan Rd) Date: February 23-24 2019 Group: U13 & U15 & U18 Boys and Girls Girls: Saturday February 23rd, 2019 Boys: Sunday February 24th, 2019 Cost:…