Bad Weather Policy

Rain/Weather policy:

As the weather becomes an issue within the soccer season, I would just like to remind everyone of the rain policy and the cancellation of fields.

When there are games scheduled during the week, your respected town and/or field representative will confirm the field closures through their respected method. The City of Moncton and of Dieppe, as well as the Town of Riverview all have there respected websites where an update on the field closures is posted after 3:00 pm (see below for links to websites).

Moncton —

Dieppe —

Riverview —

When thunder and lightning is forecast during your game, even if it has already started, you must make your way to your assignment and follow this procedure :

  • If you see lightning or hear thunder, get everybody (players, coaches, parents, fans) to a safe place;
  • You must wait 30 minutes after the first sign of thunder/lightning, if this occurs, resume game;
  • If the above does not occur, and there is a lack of time, end the game;
